I read or hear from other widows about signs they believe were from their late husbands. Most often it is something touching, sentimental, warm, fuzzy, touchy- feely. For me, usually practical, like these oven glove mitts. They see a Cardinal, I get a warning. Years ago Jerry bought these silicon coated mitts for me to use so I wouldn't burn my wrists putting things into or taking them out of the oven. He was a practical guy and took care of everything, including me.
Over these last almost 4 years I have surely realized that more and more. I do have and use many potholders but I was always burning,searing the top of my wrists. These mitts cover that. Yes they are way too huge for my hand, but work. Not pretty but practical, very handy and protective. Now that temps are cooling I use my oven more.
Last week I thought cornbread would be good with some of my leftover chili. I hadn't thought about these old mitts. For the last couple years, without Jerry reminding me, I hadn't used them. They got shoved to the back of the cabinet, forgotten about. But when I dug out my smallest cast iron skillet for the corn bread, there they were! A reminder and truly just what I needed, my protection!
BTW I made an excellent cornbread, my version with diced jalapeños and craisins,
cornmeal, some canned cream corn, eggs, baking powder and soda, bisquick and flour. It was delicious! No sugar, I do not like sweetened cornbread. When Jerry was here I never added jalapeños nor craisins, he'd not have liked that. But for me, now, less than half the recipe and good.
I was so happy to find those forgotten mitts. Saving my wrists now from burns.. All during the good weather when I am outside doing chores, weeding, trimming, I get cuts, scrapes, gashes from twigs, sticks, who knows what else. And burns from using the oven, burns. I can be dangerous to me. Just a couple pics pf Jerry, patient, pondering, waiting for me.