Arrived Graceland about 6:00PM last night and pulled into our rig spot on Don"t Be Cruel Lane. Liquid sunshine began last night and is to continue all day, so although we are walking distance to Graceland from here in the RV park, we'll likely drive the HHR. We have been blessed with decent weather, while to the northwest snow strikes Denver and Omaha and southwest to Texas and even Alexandria, LA where we will eventually be has deluging flooding rains. We had only some fog yesterday AM which we drove out of in less than 15 minutes.
We ate in last night, getting set up for the next three days and having plenty of food along to avoid having to venture around in the dark, although we spotted a KFC right outside the gate. The advantage of RV motor home travel is we have all the comforts of home, including a good glass of wine for me and a beer for Jerry at our finger tips. And though I complain about loading up, I sure appreciate having it all here when we stop.
Many 5th wheels and trailers here too, a phenomena we have seen elsewhere in the country--the industrious young (and not so young) men and families who are industrious construction workers travel to the work while those who are content to squat and collect never ending unemployment welfare checks do so.
I know we are in the south, because yesterday I purchased what I thought was an apple fritter but when I bit into it back in the motor home, it was pink inside, with flecks of cherry. Certainly a different fritter to me and I wonder if it is to honor Valentines Day, or breast cancer pink?
We had a good two day drive and except for a loose mudflap on the rig which Jerry fixed yesterday morning in the Wal Mart lot before we departed and the hour wasted at the Alorton,IL Flying J where the diesel pumps were not working, we had a good drive. I felt much sympathy for the Flying J attendant, running all about in and out, to the trucks at the diesel pumps and the motor coaches at the RV diesel pumps trying to fix what he could not. Maybe the diesel pumps were all in cahoots in a protest movement? Occupier pumps, now there's a thought to boggle the mind. The attendant told us to go over to the trucker lanes, so we did but after two more non-working pump nozzles, Jerry decided it was time to go. We had been fortunate to have diesel in the tank and with another 20.2 gallons purchased before the Occupier pumps took over, we could make it. An inconvenience for us with a waste of an hour that could have been spent on the highway, but the big rig truckers were stuck. And their faces showed their disgust. Pity the attendants, who scurry beyond their minimum wage pay grade and courteously handle the scowls and worse, yet one example of how unreasonable customers can take their anger out on the person who is trying to help them. Frustrating, yes, but a reason to be cruel, not. We continued on to Mathews, MO Flying J and filled up though we could have made it easily to Memphis.
In two days we've driven 816 miles in 14 hours drive time, 15 1/2 hours total time' purchased 107.9 gallons of diesel for $402 and only $2.85 tolls in a small stretch of highway through IL. Along the road, I tallied last years journeys from when we purchased this motor home in Tucson and brought it home--in 2011 we logged 9600 miles.
Photos later today as we enjoy Graceland where we are headed for brunch right now.