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Showing posts with label unknown woman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unknown woman. Show all posts

Friday, November 11, 2011

100 Sepia Saturdays and a mystery woman (Click here to the Sepia host site)

The centennial post of Sepias is here!  And I return to the celebration with some mystery photos.   The woman  of today is in many photos in family collections from my aunt, grandmother, mother and uncle, the exact same photos but the trouble is none of them wrote who she is/was nor where the photos were taken.  I suppose they all knew her quite well, but now I sit looking and pondering.  Couldn't someone have just written her name once on any photo!  Was she a cousin?  A neighbor, some one who married into the family?  I have absolutely no clues nor anyone to ask.  

So to celebrate,  I offer a few photos featuring this lady, the first  standing under what must be a drugstore sign of some kind.  I suspect from their album placements these photos were taken in the  later 1945 era, post WWII.   Whoever she was, they all had the very same photos so it is odd to see her and ponder, scratching my head as I search the names in the genealogy.

Mystery woman of  family albums
Too bad the poles block the drugstore name as that might give me  a clue.  She is an attractive one, with those waves and curls to her hairdo and dressed nicely, even in the following photos which appear to have been taken the same day at an amusement park of sorts.  Neither location nor the men are identified, adding to the mystery. Because the men are there and she with them all I feel it post war time.

Here she stands  at the railing by a small pond with the rowboats.
She has jacket and purse in arm, ready for a day of it, dressed to the nines.

If she had been only in my aunt's albums I might have thought her to be a girlfriend, someone from the factory who worked with Aunt Jinx. The odd thing is none of my family appear in a photo with her, only more unknown people, same photos in all albums.  Where was she, did she mail  these photos to all of them?

3 Mystery men at  the same amusement park
Three unidentified men stroll here in what I believe is the same amusement park.  None of them are familiar to me but she knows them.  Could the one to the far left be her brother, their hair looks similar?  Maybe she was an amusement park stalker?

Here she is with someone who looks like he will take a turn at the
"U Bust Em" in the booth behind them.
This man resembles some of the Janosky clan, my great aunt Mary's sons.  Notice the  attire of the folks in the background,  the ladies in heels and dresses and one wears a hat. But our mystery girl sports slacks.

Here she is back at that pond railing with one
of the three men in the other photo
I do recall one photo I shared many Sepias ago which several of you identified as likely some sort of pageant.  I wonder if it is the same woman, what do you think?  Hair looks similar, but I am unsure of the facial features.  She too is a mystery in the family albums. 

Clueless I remain and other than offering these photos to our centennial celebration, I really don't know what else to do with them.  They were enjoying themselves and so we host them in our celebration!

As usual click on the title to this post to go to the Sepia Host site and  enjoy all that others share.