While I puzzled, Jerry ever the realist asked, "well how old is that phone?" I almost responded "only a year old and a few months," it seems like only yesterday I was learning her and mastering swiping. Today it's so easy to me as a result I often reply with swypos not reading carefully what I've swiped. Gal has become so familiar with me that she automatically fills in phrases. Yet, it has happened, unbelievable how Gal is getting up there in her Droid years and is slowly slowing down. I think I noticed some bllips a week or so ago when I went to check on my Facebook page, but I ignored it. It's like a health symptom, not to be ignored nor explained away, because it has progressed. Technology is wonderful especially at its newest and while it works and Gal does get the workout, functioning for email, Facebook and camera. Still it seems like only yesterday I was fussing with her and getting acquainted having picked her to replace my beloved Blackberry. Now Gal III will either need a new battery but more likely will be replaced.

Old age comes sooner all the time and is neither friend nor kind acquaintance to technology, once aging begins there is no stallling the inevitable, no way to help her limp along, no facelift, no botox, no joint replacement surgery. Toss and replace when dementia shows its first signs as with Gal Sammy. Nothing is repaired or tuned up, instead to the scrap heap as a replacement will be the answer. Fortunately I have been through this frequently enough to anticipate and expect, not be afraid and I will dive right into the new techie challenge pool. Perhaps it will not be so deep this time. Gal Sammy has become my friend and I will miss her but will not mourn. There will be another version, smarter and faster although Gal Sammy has been a whip and I have more features on her than I use. I see Verizon, our carrier of choice which has served us well all over the country and in Alaska on our travels, offers an S4 and a mini SIII. The S4 looks so much like Gal that it a switch may be the easiest techie transition.
Still if I could fix her I would. I come from a long line of fixers and live with a very handy man who can repair most anything. But droid years are unkind and so we shall see what's my next new techie toy.