Other blog dominating

Blogger insists on showing my posts and comments to others as my Books Blog, You can click on it to get here and vice versa....the Book blog is just that while this one, my first, original has miscellany

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Life goes on and so do I


This picture was on October 20, 2017, our 50th anniversary at Sullivans in Trempeleau for dinner.  That was  a couple months over 7 years ago and my eyes had that sparkle.  I was always a joyful person.  I was "bubbly" my aunt said, always happy.  I used to giggle at nothing.  I laughed easily. 

Today I know I live in a new reality as a widow.  My life is "good", I am financially secure, hve a beautiful home, a couple very dependable local friends whom I can call on any time for anything, and am active in my church, my faith is solid. I haveoutstanding medical care thru Mayo, our PCP is a friend as well as a doctor.  My local attorney,the same.  And my financial advisor has been trustworthy all along, have known him since we moved here.  Lots to be thankful for,  Multitudes of blessings.  

Yet my eyes no longer have that sparkle,  After Jerry passed in Decemer 2020, my spark went out.  I didn't realize it at the time although I knew I was in a different solo flight part of life now.  I handled everything that needed to be done and everyone complimented me on how well I was doing.  I often said in reply to those comments, "I had no other choice."   And that was the truth.  No one but me to handle me and everything.  I convinced Jerry in his final weeks that I would be ok.  I was relieved to hear he believed me when one day he said, "you are going to be just fine, you are strong, you are secure, you will make it."  I had assurred him so he could let go peacefully because I knew he was worried as hell about me.  So many people told me these past fewyears that he asked them to "watch over Pat for me,"  Some did, like champs.  Others have vanished like ghost wisps.  That happens, people go on with their own lives in their own worlds.  Many widows experience that.  

I grew up with widows around and no one ignored them, relatives, friends.  Life and people were different.  In my early grief I could hear my mother's words to me about disappointments that I considered tragic especially in my teen years, "you are  not the only one in the world that happens to.  You're not the first, you won't be the last. Get  over it.  Don't pout."   When she became a widow she said almost the same to me, "I'm not the only widow in the worldd, I'm not the first, I won't be the last."  She well knew from her own life because she was a very young 20 year old widow pregnant with me when my father's plane disappeared in June 1944, WWII, months before my birth.  

So why lately has it begun to bother me that my eyes no longer have their sparkle?  I find times of enjoyment, But I'm just not the same. I know I'm different.  I think I'm fine just wistful.  This photo was taken August 2023 on a nasty hat day for our church directory.  About the last thing I wanted to do that day was have my picture taken.  My SIL was here from CO with her partner and their 2 dogs.  But I got ready and went.  I kept my jean shorts on because I knew it would only be a head shot.  Later I realized I had worn the very same top as in 2017 when we had photos taken fr the last dieectory.  One of those of Jerry  and me is to the side.  I orderd many because it was our 50th anniversary year.  This time I had no need and just got a few wallet sized to send to friends arund the country in Christmas cards.  People I do not see and who are not on Facebook with me.  But people with whom I've kept in touch over years.  Rhe number of those has decreased as many have passed on.  Yet I am here,  I am a survivor.  Without the sparkle in the eyes, but making it.  


Monday, January 1, 2024

New Year 2024 First Day of the year


First day of a new year and it is grey, we seem to be in a tristate cloud cover.  MN, WI, IA all clouds. Yet, at least no snow, other than a few crunchy spots residue from yesterday morning's early hours dusting.  Did not have to be shoveled for which I am also grateful.  In October, following the startling, to me, snow dump on Halloween I thought we would be in for an awful dose of whiteness all winter.  So far I have been wrong, which is fine with me.  But I still fear we haven't seen the last,  this is MN after all.  And it is darned cold.  Today we never hit the 30 degree mark.  That foiled my resolution to start the year off with a walk.  Well maybe tomorrow, if we get some sunshine.  The farthest I've walked to day is across the street to church before and after mass from my car in the parking lot.  It was not a day of obligation but if I could be up and ready for 9 o'clock mass I intended to go,  a good way to start a new year.  I made it but without my routine and without my coffee.  It was worth it.  When I returned home I still thought the sun might shine through today and surely I'd get in a short walk at least, but not to be.  I tested myself by bundling up and taking the veggie skins and an eggshell to dump back below the pole shed where I've been throwing landfill stuff like that and  leaves in the fall.  Maybe in spring I'll have Beuhler bring in a load of dirt to put over the debris to help it decompose.  Will see. 

 This coldness and grayness could give me the "gloomies" if I thought too much on it.  So I won't.  After all yesterday was my final of 365 days reading through the entire Catechism on line, You Tube with Father Mike Schmidt and Ascension.  I am very proud of myself for accomplishing that!  I wondered last January 1 when I began if I would have the stick to it I'd need and I did!  

Well here it is, another year.  Let's make it the best that we can.  I'm not  doing resolutions, haven't for years.  I  will remain the me that I am.  I  am not familiar with F>M>Knowles, but sounds like my kind of person.  

F.M. Knowles:    He who breaks a resolution is a weakling; He who makes one is a fool.

Monday, December 25, 2023

Christmas 2023


Another Christmas, alone.  Grey and wet outside, but at least to me it is preferable to snow.  I think after 40+ years in northern CA I got used to no snow, yet here we/ umm I mean I now live in MN.  Do I miss CA?  Nope not even on my worst day.  Best thing we ever did, moving away when we did.  Yet when Jerry decided it I thought he was kidding.  I am ever thankful he was serious.  Yet today again, Monday,   no sunshine  no sun since Thursday?  I know Friday was grey.  So I got a dose from my Happy light next to the downstairs PC where I am consigned to work online until the laptop that I so conveniently use upstairs is repaired or replaced.  I will set a nice setting for myself at my dining room table and dine on beef filet tenderloin, twice baked potato, asparagus and green salad and wine.  How I miss the hustle and bustle of Christmases of the past where I wore myself out into a tizzy cooking, baking, wrapping presents, decorating and all that over the top activity.  Life has changed and now this is my new normal.  

Sunday, December 24, 2023

We can decide

I posted this on my FB today and since I am  just marking time this afternoon and having the inconvenience of using the downstairs PC I thought it a good time to post here to keep this blog alive.  Yesterday my laptop went bonkers,  when I tried to start her all I got was a black screen with computerized messages, "Boot drive not found."  etc  blah blah.  I tried running diagnostics which indicated the laptop passed.  I  unplugged and restarted her, nope, same junk.  

Well I can get by with my tablet and this PC so it is not the end of the world, but an annoyance.  So this morning I took her to the Geeks at Best Buy where she will get a once over and hopefully restoration.  If not I;ll buy a new laptop because it is convenient to have that upstairs off the side of the kitchen.  The rep at the Geek counter complimented me on my "positive good attitude" he said most  would be  upset about their computer.  I had to tell him, "well not me.  Not with what I've lived through, it's going to take more than a computer to dim any more Christmases' for me.  I've been thru worse."  

It's true lost Steve 15 years ago in December and Jerry 3 years ago in December.  I'm still surviving, and doing really well.  That come only from Grace of God and my deep rooted lifelong faith.  I no longer say, "Next?"  nor do I say "Hit me with your best shot."  That's already happened, over, done with.  

As this image portrays we can decide.  I have decided long ago to accept and go on ahead.  So inconvenienced, but I'll get by.  They sent me an email to pick her up Tuesdau at 12:40PM, so  that must be good.  

We have had a December with   very little snow and I am happy about it.  Though I dislioke our grey dreary days like yesterday, and today, it is better than shoveling snow to me.  Almost reminds me of Christmas in northern CA.  But not fully.   

I'll be at 8:00PM mass this Eve.  Lector again,  I haven't had a mass to just sit in the pews since maybe September.  Seems I am a full time lector.  I have trained others but they migrate to Sundays.  Well as my cousin reminded me, "this is Your Gift to share.  And it's as close as you get to altar girl."  Recalling my nerve back in the  50's at wanting to be an altar girl.  That was unheard of, no such thing, only altar boys.  It put the nuns and others on edge and made my grandma tell me, "don't argue with the sisters Patty." " I wasn't arguing, I was only asking a question."   That was not encouraged back there and then. Mom shrugged it off,  she knew me, she knew I ask whatever I think.  I was unfiltered., She blamed my grandma for spoiling me that way.  I had forgotten all about my stir that gave the family and beyond something to talk about until Lawrence reminded me.   Today we have altar girls too.  I was ahead of the curve.

Monday, October 2, 2023

UPDATE to keep active

 And so just incase I'd get a google inactivity flag, here I go with a nothing post.   It is supposed to be fall here, but we have a resurgence of heat, another hot couple days.  Today I was out back blowing leaves down the hill and shook my head,  I felt rain drops?  Looked up to the sky and realized this is what happened several times through the summer,  sweat from my head and brow!    This is October 2...proving to me I made the right decision not to move south into perpetual summer.  I do not like hot weather.  I like 4 seasons even though here the final one, the winter can drag on too long.  I hope we soon turn into crisp cooler fall temps before we plunge deep into the cold times.  I know I vowed this past winter which went on forever to not complain when it got warm, but this has not been a MN summer.  

Changes changes,  below is a photo of the side vintage hydrangea tree  on this day in 2016 and below it is a photo of it today.  It is  fading away.  Next year I have to have the landscaper get and plant a new one for me.  This year I put in a tree outback, Japanese lilac.  It will never replace the wonderful big old ash trees we used to enjoy before we had to take them down due to emerald ash borer.  The 2016 photo shows one old ash and the 2023 photo  below shows the new garden chain link fence.


  In August SIL came to visit from CO and raved about the side hydrangea which I know is looking older, more tired, just not as it used to be.  I found a photo of it August 2015 below.

And as blogger and maybe google are acting up that is it for this update for me

Friday, August 11, 2023

Don't want to be deleted by Google, so....

 Received an email from Google today that mentioned deletion of any account which remains inactive for 2 years.  Although I seldom blog here anymore, thought I should sign on and enter something.  Part of the notice:

"Therefore, we are updating the inactivity period for a Google Account to two years across all our products and services. This change starts rolling out today and will apply to any Google Account that’s been inactive, meaning it has not been signed into or used within a two-year period. An inactive account and any content in it will be eligible for deletion from December 1, 2023."

My book blog, the other blog I set up to track the books and authors I read had something bizarre happen.  All the photos and sidebar labels, photos there  were discarded.  I still do not know how that happened.,  Maybe when I didn't read one of these Google emails and just deleted.  Anyway I am so disgusted to have lost all of that from the blog which had been ongoing for several years.  No way can I reconstruct it nor do I have time to do so.  So now I  just try to post the book, author and very brief commentary about it and will go forward.  Most of my postings are on Facebook because that is where I have interaction with  people I know all over the country and some  outside the country too.  Blogging fell by the wayside.  

Yet when I read that today I did not want to lose this too.  So posting here and this should show my activity.  For now.  

Sunday, August 1, 2021

She Is Me


My cousin sent me this and the more I see it the more I know this is me. I have gotten through, I did not know there was a choice.  One cannot just lay down nor wallow, nor give up.  Humans are not like a flower done blooming that can wilt away although I sure have wished I could at times.  

Overall I am doing quite well since Jerry passed in December, medically the stress of all this has not harmed me, my doctors are pleased.  My annual cardiologist check up went very well,  Those are good, I am somehow working it through.  But the last couple days, for no particular reason, I seem to backslide.  I have read/heard that grief is like that, just about the time you think you are in smooth waters, smooth easier sailing, watch out here comes a wave.  Strange feelings, for me as I am noticing this aloneness.  When I come in from outside weeding and trimming, there is no one to say, "ok, you have done enough for one day, done now.."  so I have to tell that to myself.    I think about my friends who were single and who lived alone, the closest are gone now too.  But they managed OK.  How did they do that?  Was it because that was ll they knew.  They had nothing to get really used to.  One lived with her aging parents and after they passed she stayed in the family home and continued on with life.

Maybe if you are not used to someone else being part of life, considering and  making decisions, companionship, comfort, love and 53 + years together being solitary does not seem different.  But for me it's major.  I miss him at pre dinner cocktail time when he'd have a beer and I'd pour a glass of wine.  Yes, I still pour myself that wine.  But no one is here to ask, "what's on the menu?" or, "let's go to Schmitty's and eat.."   No one is here to eat with.  I still cook, I always will.  I prefer my own food, I am just like my late aunt, "eat at home you know what you have then".  It is a challenge to purchase and cook portions to single, other than a chop, burger or small steak, so I adjust to having left overs.  Some I do not mind, left over salmon, chicken, even steak, cut or  diced into a salad make a good meal for me, especially on these hot days we have endured since June.   But this post is not about how I am cooking...it's about noticing how alone solitary life is.  

My cousin, the retired Monsignor who lives alone now in PA in his family home tells me that he is by himself and I will adjust. I suppose I have to,  there is no choice.  I am not the  one to start going out for fast food or  eating out alone just to sit alone in a restaurant.  

When I am overly busy with chores, errands or when I was so preoccupied selling the coach and pick up I didn't get this wistful.  So the grief wave right now will pass, I tell myself, It came to pass not to stay.  Doesn't mean I have to like it.  Just tolerate and accept..

Thursday, July 29, 2021

An unwelcome discovery

  This very vintage steel, 4 drawer file cabinet in the garage belonged to Jerry's mom, who died in 2013 after a slow declining aging, ending last couple years in a facility, She saved everything and it was crammed full with bank statements, tax returns, all in original envelopes, receipts, etc going back to the 1950's. Some papers disintegrating. I kept mentioning to Jerry for years after it took up space here that he should clear it out. He apparently got tired of shredding & forgot about it.

So this week, I thought I'd tidy some garage shelves and store some things in it. Crap, When I opened it the drawers still were still over half full! So I shredded and tore several bags full, but got weary myself, needed this like a wart! I am down to 2 drawers still half full and taking a break.... tempted to just pitch whole contents but there are social security #'s, etc and although both she & father-in-law are dead, figure better shred,. There was a huge box of all the cards etc she'd received for her 90th birthday, & others. I did just dump that into recycle whole.

It amazes me, she dragged this thing from southern CA to northern CA when she moved to be near us when she became a widow, back in 80's, then it was moved cross country when we moved back to MN. Sigh and all now useless junk, clutter and more for me to do. I never run out of things to do! But I still have my own mess downstairs to clear!