Other blog dominating

Blogger insists on showing my posts and comments to others as my Books Blog, You can click on it to get here and vice versa....the Book blog is just that while this one, my first, original has miscellany

Showing posts with label Versatile blogger award. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Versatile blogger award. Show all posts

Monday, April 18, 2011

Blog Award

   Leave it to us bloggers to expand our blogosphers through sharing awards.  I received this award from Karen today albeit  "with strings" so to speak.  So this post will take a bit of time and I may not finish until later this evening. 

Meantime, thank you Karen, from the tips of my fingers on the keys! 

First String :  7 Things about me

1.  I am an idea maker and have more ideas than time to do them. 
2.  While I prefer to be organized, at times I have so many oars in the water at once that I spin my boat in circles.
3.  My all time favorite classical piece  is Pachelbell Canon
4.  I am rereading my favorite childhood book, "Heidi" having just found and purchased a copy in an antique store. 
5.  Here I sit at the keyboard when I need to get upstairs and get the oven ready for the roast.
6.  I'm going to a roast at Penn State in May
7.  I am looking for a photo to accompany a blog post and need St Anthony's help.

Now I am to pass this award on to other blogs I follow and that I will finish later and later still as tasks take me away from the keyboard.  (Karen already chose some of the blogs I follow and sent on her award, beating me to the puch, so others.....)

1.  http://bargainhuntingwithlaurie.blogspot.com/2011/04/clutterist-is-thriving.html
2.  http://readingadventures.blogspot.com/
3.  http://burgussepiesaturday.blogspot.com/
4.  http://serendipitybookclub.blogspot.com/2011/03/march-meeting-recap.html
5.  http://dayofthelily.blogspot.com/2011/04/doing-my-thing-day-oil-painting.html