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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Pussy Willows

 I have always been fond of Pussy Willows. It's my Polish DNA.   I remember them being all around the creek beds when I was growing up in PA.   They are not common around here but several years ago a friend found and cut some for me from a hike in her northern area.  A Polish legend tells the tale

I posted this sketch and poem on my Facebook today.

Of tiny kittens, oh so frail.
Along the river's edge they chased.
With butterflies, they played and raced.
They came too close to the river's side,
And, thus, fell in. Their mother cried.
What could she do but weep and moan?
Her babies' fate were yet unknown.
The willows, by the river, knew
Just what it was that they must do.
They swept their graceful branches down
Into the waters, all around.
To reach the kittens was their goal;
A rescue mission, heart and soul.
The kittens grasped the branches tight.
The willows saved them from their plight.
Each springtime since, the story goes,
Willow branches now wear clothes.
Tiny fur like buds are sprung
Where little kittens once had clung.
And that's the legend, so they claim,
How Pussy Willows Got Their Name!
- Laura, 2016
{ Art by Anastasia Varnavskaya, special thanks to Louise, her FB Butterfly Cottage }

February weather improves


Feb 24 back yard towards shop
Yesterday, February 24 was our second decent "balmy" day in a row with sunshine.  Nearly all the snow has melted, so quickly from the vast whiteness that covered everything including the roof to only a few hills and mounds where it was shoveled.  I watched the water pouring out of the downspouts off the roof yesterday and today, thinking how easily amused I am.  Especially after such a long siege of sub zero and single digit temps that we've endured January and early February. I guess that is the blessing of living in  four seasons as they change, there is always something to ponder.  Yes I like change of seasons, I just wish the 4th season, aka winter here, was not so blasted long.  

Feb 14 heavy snow 

We haven't had many heavy snow doses but not as nice as last year when it felt like springtime in December. And we have had a couple of awful; freezing glazes that made it treacherous.  Though  streets and roads were cleared quickly the freezes seemed to happen while I was in Saturday evening mass and I was very careful skating to my car afterwards.  One Sunday when I switched from Saturday eve vigil  to have the Knights Annual Belgian Waffle breakfast, some nice man appeared out  of nowhere and helped me across the street.  A secret angel. 

The snows we have had like this last dump came down  for hours sometimes through the day.  I have saved money on snow plowing, only a couple times this year with the last for this coating that is now melted.  Mostly I was able to use the leaf blower to remove the snow dust from the driveway and walk.  hen too, good friend Gary showed up  a couple of times to clear it, saying he was bored.  Truthfully I think he just is being a good person, looking out for me, don't know what I'd do without them (he and Judy) to rely on here when I need something.  Though I do not pester them, I refuse to do that.  ,

It does become boring and tedious but I keep busy inside.  And this is the time of year I have the annual task of gathering the information to take to the accountant for tax preparation.  Still waiting on the last 1099's from my Investment accounts.  They are perpetually late, I was hoping for this week but likely going to be March.  Well nothing I can do about that, can't file the taxes without those statements.  

Before the snow came and covered everything it was so strange to see the lawns brown.  Around here it is either green or white covered.  But now with the melting although it is too soon for greenery I almost see a few blades here and there of green through the brown lawn.  .  I was able to dump some asparagus spear ends, eggshells and banana peel down the side hill this afternoon.  It ids my own landfill area where I pile leaves and other similar debris.  Sure will be some excellent compost among those trees from all that green trash.  

Thursday, January 9, 2025


 I saw this today on a friend's FB post and thought it worth copying and keeping here.   
 Patricia Highsmith                The Price of Salt    
January.   It was all things.   And it was one thing, like a solid door. Its cold sealed the city in a gray capsule. J  anuary was moments, and January was a year.   January rained the moments down, and froze them in her memory.   Every human action seemed to yield a magic. January was a two-faced month, jangling like jester's bells, crackling like snow crust, pure as any beginning, grim as an old man, mysteriously familiar yet unknown, like a word one can almost but not quite define.

iWe continue here in arctic cold,  single digits overnight and maybe up to 20 degrees for an hour or so mid afternoons, if the sunshines.  No snow,which is  fine with me because it saves me $$.  I don't have to pay for plowing my driveway.  Still some mounds of snow remain in small patches, they are frozen ice mii hills.  Talking with a friend yesterdzy znd we agreed, " well  we just have to endure."  That's similar to living as a widow, we endure, we carry on, we survive.  

Today is Thursday, January 8.  But it took me until nearly 10:15 AMto realize that.  For some reason I woke up sure it was Friday and so began my day.  Since I do not eat meeat on Fridays I got a few shrimp out of the freezer to thaw for dinner, intending on making some pasta in garlick sauce with lemon , capers, and the shrimp.  I was astonished to figure out it is only Thursday but that is going to be my dinner anyway since the shrimp are thawing.  How did I lose a day?  There's a term for losing track of time, "time blindness", and in it's extremes it could be problematic.  Mostly if I lose track of time it's while I continue doing something like reading, going through photos, gardening, whatever that has me so engrossed that time flew by.  And it's later than I thought.   But never before have I lost a day!  Then again I was so happy that I gained an entire day back!  Oh it's these simple things that keep me going.  

I should be downstairs finishing up putting away the last of the Christmas decor but here I am at laptop, sharing my thoughts.  Tomorrow is another day, I tell me. And no one contradicts me, nor does anyone ask me what I'm doing now.   

PS  I cannot figure out why this post is not just plain text but outlined in white??? I'm tired of trying to fix it so here it goes.  


Saturday, January 4, 2025

New Year 2025


And we are here in the arctic polar of southeast MN.  Only one wretched snowfall that lasted all day last month and there are still a few piles of  frozen snow patches from where the plow shoved it alongside the driveways.  But it is brutally cold.  On days like today when at least we are blessed with the glow of sunshine it appears  to be far warmer than it is,  today we will not even reach 20 degrees.  Yet it beats those drearier days of grey overcast and still cold.  This is not the kind of weather I ever wanted to spend my winters in, especially alone, but here I am.  

I try to find things to thank the Lord for daily, sometimes it is for just keeping me warm and safe. 

Me,  Christmas Eve
after mass home in pj's.  

Somedays I am just as content that I do not have to go out in this cold.  I keep busy inside and now as Epiphany arrives tomorrow, it will be time to begin to take down some of the holiday décor that  I did get out so that it would not be dreary.  I restrained myself because I do not like putting it away, that was a task Jerry always did so well.  I didn't appreciate it as much then, it was just what he did.  He always was more patient than me.  How I miss that man.  As I told him and as he believed I am doing OK,  I am ok financially much as prices rise, etc.  I'm not strapped.  But the  being alone for days with  contact only of phone calls  or texts is not fun.  Never expected to be so solitary.  It has been a challenge learning to live just with me.  Warmer weather is better because I can be outside  busy, digging, weeding, puttering.  But the winter is when I resume domestic activities  which I still do not relish, like polishing all the kitchen cabinets, a task I dragged out over a couple weeks this time.  I remind myself to be glad and thankful that I have the strength and stamina to do all this still.  

I did not intend to start my 2025 posts here with what is sounding like widow's lament.   But I have and now I do not have enough time before getting ready for Saturday evening mass to ponder and edit.  Saturday mass, sometimes it is the hilite of my social activity for the week.

So we mark another New Year, I have wished a happy one, automatically to many.  I will try to make it so for me too.