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Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Another year for Clancy Shenson

 This is Clancy who comes out once a year to keep watch and celebrate his Irish.  He joined us in about 2006 after we moved here in retirement from CA,  Yesterday I mentioned Shenson's corned beef which we enjoyed in CA and is not available here.  Clancy is named for that brand.   Every year I bring out different little decorative things around certain themes.  I used to enjoy doing this much more when Jerry was alive.  Idon't know why because he always told me to not go through the bother, but he always enjoyed seeing how I'd admire my things.  So while now I seldom acquire any new home trinkets I still bring out some of the collections to amuse myself.  

Clancy is a leprechaun bear, complete with green attire and gold coins. He comes with shamrock on his lapel and on jhis hat and also has a potato on that hat rim.  He's standing next to one of the little hats I used to place down the center of the dining room table with other green trinkets and vases.  I seldom do that and didn't this year, but enjoyed seeing Clancy again.  Just about every trinket or decor item I've accumulatted over the years brings memories to my mind.  Now I know I;m getting the year on.  Someday someone will toss all my stuff and think it nothing but junk, but to me for now I'll remember the stories.  

You can almost see the worn thin sole of his shoe in this icture where he's seated.  The hat is 2 1/2 inches high and Clancy is 4 1/2 inches standing.  In this back view of him below you can see his sheleleigh in his back hip pocket.  Not visib;e isi the number across his bottom, 265971.  I don't know what that signifies,  if anything.  I recall finding him at an estate sale and immediately scooping him up,  just perfect for this March theme.  

But now Clancy will return to the box for another year.  Aaaand Easter is coming so early, I'll have to get busy here and get some of that stuff out.  

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