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Friday, October 26, 2012

Sepia Saturday 149: Sisters at the waters

Back after a long absence, yet this week's prompt perplexed me.  I could not locate the photo I intended to post of an unidentified  ancestress walking near the water gazing with great trepidation.  I like to share photos from our massive collections, which are still under organization and scanning for genealogy. Instead of the unknown ancestress,  I offer these of sisters at the river. 

Aunt Jinx  
The first one is my aunt Virginia (aka Jinx) and the second is my Mom, Helen.  I believe these were taken the same day in  about 1940 and somewhere near where the family lived on 2nd Avenue in New Kensington, PA along the Allegheny river.  This  might have been near to a boat dock or perhaps that thing out there,  is a dry wharf where swimmers congregated in better weather.  You will notice that it is nearly submerged in the photo of Mom following which could mean these were not taken on  the same day.  Maybe it was a time when they were watching the river rise and wondering what next?  The contour of the hill across the river is the same as is their "perch."  I wish I could ask them all sorts of questions about this now, but it is left to my imagination. 


Maybe their brother, Carl,  who loved taking photos had a new camera to test.  I found these photos separately, one at my aunt's home and one at Mom's after they passed.  I thought it curious when I was assembling some photos that  they would each have the same shot.  Neither sister ever learned to swim and they shared a fear of water all their lives.  Actually the entire family always had a healthy respect for the rivers and was happy to move farther uphill away from the threat of the river running over it's banks and washing devastation over all in its path.  Any risk of flooding was dreaded.  It was lower cost housing there along 2nd avenue back in the  late 1930's and early 40's and where many of the miners and factory workers like my ancestors lived. 

Mom 1940
I found this one of Mom, marked "1940, high school days" also near that river, windy.  I like the pose, very pre Bus Stop ala Marilyn Monroe, Check out her saddle oxford shoes.  This was obviously back in the day when they wore dresses with shoes and socks, come to think of it we did too as girls in school.

We have a funeral tomorrow and so it may take me a few days to get to see all the posts.  Meantime, if you want to see how others are taking the prompt to the waters, or men looking on, or?, click this link to the Sepia Host site http://sepiasaturday.blogspot.com/2012/10/sepia-saturday-149-27-october-2012.html


  1. Saddle shoes were still very popular when I was in school. I am kind of surprised they disappeared.

    1. Yes I remember I had a pair in maybe 10th grade; a boy tried to step on them and dirty them; they were new and I pushed him into a nearby wastebasket! :-) I wonder too they no longer are around. Maybe they will return someday soon everything else is...

  2. Saddle shoes in the last photo jumped out at me too. I remember having a pair of those in 1st grade. I dragged my feet as much as I could to wear them out. They weren't nearly high fashion in my day. :) Penny loafers were all the rage!

  3. I loved saddle shoes which I wore through elementary school before graduating to loafers. I love these pictures of your mom and aunt. Knowing they feared the water makes them all the more interesting. I bet your mom was embarrassed that her slip shows in that windy picture, yet today bra straps are a fashion accessory!

  4. Welcome back Pat! These are lovely shots of your Mom and aunt. I agree with having a healthy respect for rivers and indeed any running water.

  5. Black leggings with flat or even high heels seem to be the scholl garb today. The ankle socks and 'proper' shoes are much more attractive.

  6. This just reminded me, when we moved to MN and I told my aunt heard that this town is "on the Mississippi River", she replied in a very somber voice, "I hope you are not along that river bank! You always liked the water..but you never saw a flood.." I assured her that our home is a ways from the river itself, although I would have bought a home along its backwaters, Jerry nixed that idea, because of mosquitos and potential flooding.

  7. Your Mom and aunt were two lovely ladies, that's for sure. You should have told them that there are people, e.g. we here in the western part of The Netherlands, live below sea level :)

  8. What great photos! Your mom and aunt were quite brave to be precariously perched by the water when they didn't know how to swim and were afraid of the water.

  9. A windy spot, but your aunt avoided the wind. Sometimes I wonder if there was beautiful fall foliage or something that inspired a picture even though it wouldn't show in the black and white print.

  10. Your mother and aunt were lovely young women. I think this week's Sepia Saturday theme photo had everyone perplexed at first. :)

  11. I really like the last photo - the marilyn monroe one. It's so iconic. Your mother was really pretty.

  12. The similarities, yet differences in the pix of the two ladies lead to certain conclusuions The differences in tone could mean different cameras, film or just subsequent exposure to light or atmosphere of storage. From the shadow on the faces and the rock they were quite obviously taken near the same time of day. They were also taken from near, but not the same location. The wind is obvious in the pic of your mom but not of Jinx. Could have been a gusty kind of day, or perhaps a different day (water level) but at or near the same time and the same season of the year. The wind is very obvious in the 1040 pic and saddle shoes were still in vogue in the late 1950's as Beverlee had a pair when we were in Eureka, 1955 - 1960. Tom

  13. Very nice-themed and all about women from your family...they are all lovely and look very happy! Photos and memories to treasure!

  14. I was thinking of mentioning Sandy when I was posting, but I was still hoping against the odds that she would pass away out to sea and all would be well..

  15. Karen, I have such an amass of photos that I like to use them; the Sepia posts are one way I can share them...Thanks
