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Monday, December 20, 2010

Patooey it's snowing again

This may seem  minor in the scheme of whatever things are happening with you, but it is snowing again and is to keep up through the night and that means we will have accumulated about  six more inches at least by morning.  And if that is not enough, freezing drizzle in the early AM hours.  This brought me to look out the window and shout 4 letter words today as it billowed and blew white dusty stuff.  4 letter words repeated multiple times, because I have somewhere to go tomorrow.  I will tell my CA  left behinds that this snow in MN is not so bad because being retired we  have no need to go out into it, the roads are cleared courtesy of the city and county, etc....   But all I could think of is, "I HAVE A HAIR CUT APPOINTMENT AT 1:15 TOMORROW.!! DAMMIT I NEED TO GET MY HAIR CUT!"  I make these hair appointments  6 to 7 weeks in advance and as any woman knows, this close to Christmas, even though my hair dresser and I are close, she will no way be able to reschedule me.  Jerry sits calmly and tells me I do not need to be out tomorrow in the freezing drizzle, nothing is so that important that it can't be rescheduled, well,what can he know?

Besides I spaced this appointment a bit too long into the future looking toward Christmas week, I am now shaggy and hairily out of shape.  This must not be happening and why did  I agree to move here anyway to an area where winter will not respect  nor even consider my needs!

I dislike whiners, but tonight I am wallowing in it.  We have no  big Christmas plans so no troubles there, but I prefer my wash and wear and slightly blow dry styles and right now the length is requiring more manipulation than I like to do.   Perhaps tomorrow will bring sunshine and clear roads, contra to weather predictions.  Tomorrow is the beginning of winter and already we have been ahead of the calendar.  What will tomorrow bring,.. oh we will see.   


  1. You do have four wheel drive in that SUV, don't you? If so, you should revel in the opportunity to test your ability to navigate in the snow. As far as the move to MN and winter, wasn't there supposed to be a motor home trip to AZ, FL or south TX included in the move.. Anyway, from this post I see a budding "WORLD CLASS WHINER." lol T

  2. Oh yes I have 4 WD drive and have used it handily this month already....and when I whine like this Jerry calmly asks if I would prefer CA where we would never have afforded a home like this one, where we'd be paying way more for everything--taxes, utilities, etc. and where I likely would not go anywhere due to crowding and over population at stores, malls, roads, you name it...

    Today's update we are nearly plowed out and the freezing drizzle has avoided us, so far, kind of like Passed Over! So I should be loose and across the river handily. Much better than expected.
