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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Little Boys PS..so we were duped! Blah!

Today we followed with great interest the adventures of six year old Falcon in CO who had untethered his dad's home made helium baloon turned space ship. Little Falcon's brother said Falcon was on the baloon. The police and rescuers tracked and watched as it soared for about two hours. Fox news showed it. What concern for the little boy as it landed in the field near Ft. Collins. But when the rescuers got to it, no little boy! OMG! What happened? There was further speculation that he could have fallen out. Shepherd the FOX reporter suggested, "look under the bed." He went on to say when he was young and did something he knew he should not have he would hide under his bed to avoid punishment.

Well long story short, the little guy was at home--he'd been hiding in a box in the attic over the garage. A nation watched and prayed as we did for his safety.

I know how those parents felt. Do all little boys hide under their beds? Evidently it is quite common. Who knows how these young male minds think? It was back in 1976 after we had moved to Newcastle. Our son Steve was 12, twice the age of Falcon. Steve grew up camping, in cub scouts and Indian guides and well knew not to play with matches anywhere let alone outside! He knew the dangers of fires. But this day, his curiosity and going along with a neighbor boy got the best of him.

We came home to see the charrred hillside along the freeway down the road from our home. That was scary. It was hot, August and dry as it is in northern CA. My inlaws were there at the house visiting, so Steve was not home alone. Steve and Chucky the neighbor boy were riding their bikes through the hillside shrub. Chucky took out some matches and dropped one when it burned his finger---whoosh the dry grass caught on fire. They quickly got out and Steve pedaled right to the neighbor to call the fire department. We lived down the end of the road so this was a ways from our home, but Chucky and family lived right across from the hillside. Neighbors quickly doused the small fire and the fire trucks went over everything to ensure it was out. All this excitement occurred when we were at work, as I mentioned.

When we arrived home from work, father in law tells Jerry that Steve had an incident that day. When we heard we could not believe our ears! Well where was he? He was in for it! Of all the dumb things. Here was a kid who knew the dangers of matches and fires!

And the search began--we called and looked. No Steve. We looked all over outside, through the orchard, down at the pond, down the hill, out in the old barn even in the chicken house! No Steve. We lived on 7 acres. After an hour of searching, we began to panic. What if he'd run away because he knew there would be consequences? We were just about to call the police and report a missing kid when we noticed that Cookie, our German Shepherd dog was in the yard. This was odd because Cookie kept track of Steve. Where he went she went. How could he have gotten anywhere without Cookie? Not likely. Still no Steve.

As we were all standing outside in the driveway discussing our strategy, who walks out of the house but our son! There Steve is, rubbing his eyes while saying "I'm sorry Dad...I should not have let Chucky light that match!"

"Where were you?" I yelled but still relieved too that here he was. The fearful response was, "I crawled undler my bed and fell asleep. I knew I would catch it!" He had a captains bed which had two drawers underneath and which was up in the air nearly like a top bunk. He'd crawled behind there and decided to sit and wait it out! Fell asleep and never heard us all calling for him.

That solved why Cookie the dog was just hanging out in the yard. So we have had the experience of a little boy hiding and waiting for the shoe to fall. Todays story about little Falcon brought it back. Memories, little boys and their tricks.

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